Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Goal- A photo a day

My goal with this blog is to post my journey of photography by posting 1 photo per day for the next year. My intent is to try different photography techniques and push my creative boundary's.

Day 1- September 2, 2009- After Soccer Practice

The first photo is of my daughter and her friend after soccer practice. I used off camera Canon 580 II flash at camera left, 1/8 power with 1/4CTO Gel with StoFen diffuser on my paint pole set up. Camera settings: Manual, F2.8, 1/64sec, ISO 400, using my Canon 40D with 16-35L lens at 35mm.

My goal was to try to capture the sunset as the background with a bit of color in the flash and some more dramatic shadows with the off camera flash.

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